WORK WITH Catherine
“As a commercial actor, or for anyone in the industry, you need to listen to this podcast! Expert guests that provide helpful tips and insights for your auditions, self tapes and the overall casting process. Catherine is funny and offers a talent perspective. I feel like a know much more about where my self tape is going, instead of just sending into the void :)”
WHat people are saying about the pod!
“Stumbled upon this podcast recently and so grateful I did! Catherine is such a warm and friendly host and asks such great questions, ones that if you’re in the industry, you know you’ve been dying to ask. The conversations flow so naturally and all these great insider tips, tricks and povs make you feel like you’re sitting in on a masterclass! Keep ‘em coming! :))”
“As a new actor in the commercial world- I found this podcast extremely helpful! I only found it two days ago and I’ve already binged every episode!! It’s so great to hear from the ones who are casting and running auditions and callbacks because we don’t ever get that feedback. Can’t wait for the new episodes 🙌🏾”
“This podcast is great and informative and uplifting. It’s scary being in a world of creative folks and wondering if you have a shot in it!!!! Love listening to this and getting encouragement that we aren’t alone. We all Go thru this and other want us to win!! Love this podcast.”
“Catherine is… so energetic, genuine, funny and down to earth. Her take on all things industry comes from years of experience and self discovery. This is a must listen! Catherine, thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight about the crazy commercial casting world. I know I will nod my head along with the things you say and talk about, and be interested in what your guests have to share. I’m excited to giggle at all your darling and unique “Catherine-isms” which makes you, you! Five stars and high-fives for you!”